Saturday, October 6, 2012

Good Morning Everyone,

What can I say we are here and, have been blessed beyond measure since .

As many of you know there was a battle before we got here but, even with those battles God was able to
turn what  was meant for bad in to an opportunity to proclaim his name.

We have been in Adelaide for 2 days and have spent that time to get ready for the rest of the journey on Monday Morning. So, many small details to get ready before we head to the Outback.

Betty Ann and Carol Jean are doing very well and have been such a blessing  they are preparing themselves spiritually to minister to the people we are going to see.  We are all so excited to renew old friendships and to make new ones.  Many already know that we are here and can hardly wait to see us all again.

The first day was spent just relaxing and catching up on some much needed rest.  Our host family have been very accommodating and kind.We pray that God's blessing will be compounded to them greatly for the generous acts of kindness.

This morning we will be going to church with them. Though we can do this anywhere,  we consider this a  great opportunity to come together in His house, presenting ourselves  before Him, in preparation for the unknown  tasks He has planned for us for the next leg of this mission. We do not take this awesome privilege lightly, and feel humbled that He has handpicked us to be the ones to take this torch of Light to a lost generation/tribe..

Much love to you all and remember spreading the word is not about catching a plane...its about getting off your own back porch!  Share some Jesus Love today!!!

The Aussie Team


  1. It has a lot to do with getting off your own backside and your wallet too! Glad you made it safe and can't wait to hear all the Kingdom results!

  2. Hey Dee, I think that might preach.

    Thank you so much for standing behind us and supporting us.
    I dont know what I would have done without you.

    Iknow you do it becauser Im your sister but I also know that you know the importance of this trip and all other trips either in the US or somewhere else

  3. Hello to all that will read this blog God is great and greatly to be praised i have been in Australia for nearly 4 weeks now and have been so amazed at how God has done exactly as he spoke to me by his word some years ago there has been great battles but I have never known a war in the natural to be any different much can be said about what is taking place in the spirit world God is still and always will be on the throne and in control of all things our heart has once again been broken for the people over here time and space will not allow to explain a great deal the need is great and sad to say the laborers are very few when you listen to the cry's of the people who are actually crying every day for God to come to their community to have a pastor and a church it humbles me to no end knowing I will soon return to a great place of worship and fellowship leaving behind people who do not have this blessing only challenges me to fast and pray much for God to send forth the laborers maybe you who are reading this would be willing to pray for Gods direction in this great harvest you see Jesus will soon come for his bride and then it will be to late for us to reach the harvest please pray while it is still daytime and we can work for the kingdom and we will see the birth of many souls may God bless you and use you for his glory

    in Christ our Lord

  4. Hello to all that will read this blog God is great and greatly to be praised i have been in Australia for nearly 4 weeks now and have been so amazed at how God has done exactly as he spoke to me by his word some years ago there has been great battles but I have never known a war in the natural to be any different much can be said about what is taking place in the spirit world God is still and always will be on the throne and in control of all things our heart has once again been broken for the people over here time and space will not allow to explain a great deal the need is great and sad to say the laborers are very few when you listen to the cry's of the people who are actually crying every day for God to come to their community to have a pastor and a church it humbles me to no end knowing I will soon return to a great place of worship and fellowship leaving behind people who do not have this blessing only challenges me to fast and pray much for God to send forth the laborers maybe you who are reading this would be willing to pray for Gods direction in this great harvest you see Jesus will soon come for his bride and then it will be to late for us to reach the harvest please pray while it is still daytime and we can work for the kingdom and we will see the birth of many souls may God bless you and use you for his glory

    in Christ our Lord
